What Does Uncertainty Lead To?
Hello from the uncertain times of COVID19 lockdowns and quarantines.
To me, people are divided in two groups in these troubling times:
The positive people who are happy to be staying home with their families and finding alternative ways to connect with friends.
The worried people who feel that this is the end of the world.
Regardless of the group you belong to, we are all uncertain. And uncertain times develop their own unique reactions and measures.
The question is: when does uncertainty lead to magic, and when does it lead to destruction?
In normal times, uncertainty leads to elevated creative pursuits and unparalleled feats of innovation sometimes. In one of the books I love most about creativity and innovation, Kevin Ashton in his book, How to Fly a Horse, tells us that,
“the best way to begin is the same as the best way to swim in the sea. No wading. Go under. Get wet and cold from scalp to sole. Splutter up salt, push the hair from your brow, then stroke and stroke again. Feel the change. Do not look back or think ahead. Just go.”
It has been proven over the years that the only way to undertake a truly creative endeavour is by embracing ambiguity and feeling comfortable with uncertainty. With the COVID19 lockdowns, we have that in abundance. What will the world be like when we are out of this lockdown? Will it ever end? If it does, when will it end? Or is it going to be like The Plague, which killed over 100 million people in the 1300s?
Creatives all over the world are encouraged to create, since there is nothing but time as individuals are encouraged to stay home to reduce the virus from spreading. But many are finding it difficult to focus. I have seen some of the creative people I know focusing their energies on playing with new media, hence creating some cool things as a byproduct. Whereas others are sleeping and eating - what the world is going through is a heavy burden on their chests.
Tough times, I must admit. But sooner or later, they will pass. It’s an opportunity for everyone to make something out of their dreams. I am a strong advocate for “thinking inside the box” because that makes way for a higher percentage of positive hits with the container. We’ve been outside, over-inspired, and over-stimulated for so long. Maybe now is the time to take everything we’ve learned, to lay it all out on the floor, and to start connecting the dots. There are always two options: to be crippled by the situation, or to rise stronger and more resilient. By connecting the dots and living up to the occasion, each of us has the chance to create a new platform for themselves to create and innovate.
But the question remains: what will uncertainty lead to for you?